Turkey Cheese Ball Recipe

Turkey Cheese Ball Recipe

1 8 oz. package cream cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar (I shredded a chunk of cheddar cheese)
About 1/2 cup of chopped up mixed nuts
2 candy eyes (bought these at Stop and Shop
1 Slim Jim
And so on.

  • Step 1. Soften cream cheese and cheddar cheese. Cream the cream cheese and add in the shredded cheddar. I do this all my hand but if you have a food processor it would probably go faster. I stir and "cream" until both cheeses are thoroughly mixed together. Then I pop this mixture into a piece of plastic wrap and form it into a ball. At this point it goes into the refrigerator for a few hours to firm it up.
  • Next, Take it out of the fridge and roll in chopped nuts being careful to keep the nice round shape.
  • Next step is, Place pretzels as in picture to make the nice full tail of the turkey. A bit of chocolate melt to glue the round chocolate candy to about a 4 or 5 inch piece of Slim Jim. It was a bit tricky to get this to stay in place and eventually I placed it in the freezer in order to harden it up faster. I glued on the eyes and "beak" candy corn and placed in the freezer for a few minutes. After inserting the "neck" Slim Jim into the cheese ball, I placed the entire thing on a plate and into the refrigerator for overnight.
  • Source: https://www.firstforwomen.com/posts/thanksgiving-appetizers-115352

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