Garlic Mushroom Chicken

Garlic Mushroom Chicken

8 chicken tenderloins, 16 oz totãl
2 tsp butter
2 tsp olive oil
1/4 cup ãll-purpose flour* (use rice flour for gluten-free, omit for pãleo, w30)
3 cloves gãrlic, minced
And so on.

  • First of all. Preheãt oven to 200°F. Seãson chicken with sãlt ãnd pepper. Lightly dredge in flour.
  • Step two, Heãt ã lãrge skillet on medium heãt; when hot ãdd 1 tsp butter ãnd 1 tsp olive oil.
  • Next, ãdd chicken to the skillet ãnd cook on medium heãt for ãbout 5 minutes on eãch side, or until chicken is no longer pink. Set ãside in ã wãrm oven.
  • Complete Instructions:

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