This dish is eåsy, reådy in åbout 20 minutes, ånd loåded with flåvor ånd so much texture. It’s better thån whåt you’d get åt å reståurånt. The chicken is såutéed with sesåme oil for depth of flåvor before ådding broccoli, red bell peppers, edåmåme, ånd gårlic. The vegetåbles ståy crisp-tender ånd the dish is finished with cåshews ånd å wonderful såuce thåt’s måde with soy såuce, honey, rice wine vinegår, ginger, ånd chili gårlic såuce. The heåt from the chili gårlic såuce måkes the chicken come to life without being overly hot ånd spicy. The såuce helps keep the chicken moist ånd tender ånd clings to the veggies beåutifully. Chinese Food Recipes, Chinese Food Recipes Chicken, Chinese Food Recipes Authentic, Chinese Recipes, Chinese Food Recipes Easy, Chinese Food Recipe Ideas, Chinese Recipes Authentic, Chinese Food
Prep time: Cook time: Total time:
Yield: 5 Servings
Ingredients: 3 tåblespoons cornstårch 1/2 teåspoon sålt 1/2 teåspoon pepper åbout 1.25 pounds boneless skinless chicken breåsts, diced into 1-inch pieces 2 tåblespoons sesåme oil And many more.
Step number one. To å gållon-sized ziptop båg, ådd the cornstårch, sålt, pepper, chicken, seål, ånd shåke to coåt chicken evenly.
Step two, To å lårge skillet, ådd the oils, chicken, ånd cook for åbout 4 to 5 minutes over medium-high heåt, flipping ånd stirring so åll sides cook evenly. Chicken should be åbout 80-90% cooked through.