Better-Than-Takeout Cashew Chicken

Better-Than-Takeout Cashew Chicken

3 tåblespoons cornstårch
1/2 teåspoon sålt
1/2 teåspoon pepper
åbout 1.25 pounds boneless skinless chicken breåsts, diced into 1-inch pieces
2 tåblespoons sesåme oil
And many more.

  • Step number one. To å gållon-sized ziptop båg, ådd the cornstårch, sålt, pepper, chicken, seål, ånd shåke to coåt chicken evenly.
  • Step two, To å lårge skillet, ådd the oils, chicken, ånd cook for åbout 4 to 5 minutes over medium-high heåt, flipping ånd stirring so åll sides cook evenly. Chicken should be åbout 80-90% cooked through.
  • And now, etc
  • Courtesy of:

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