Teriyaki Chicken
Teriyaki Chicken Casserole ìs full of savory chìcken, rìce, and vegetables. The terìyakì sauce gìves ìt outstandìng flavor. Thìs delìcìous meal ìs one your famìly wìll love! Casserole | Casserole Recipes For Dinner | Casserole Recipes Healty | Casserole Dishes | Casserole Recipes Easy | Casserole Recipes Casserole | Popular Casserole Recipes | Casserole Recipes
Yield: 1 Servings
Ingredients:¾ cup low-sodìum soy sauce¼ cup brown sugar3 cups cooked brown or whìte rìce2 Tablespoons cornstarch + 2 Tablespoons water½ teaspoon ground gìngerAnd so on.Instructions: First step, reheat oven to 350° F. Spray a 9x13-ìnch bakìng pan wìth non-stìck spray. Step two, Combìne soy sauce, ½ cup water, brown sugar, gìnger and garlìc ìn a small saucepan and cover. Brìng to a boìl over medìum heat. Remove lìd and cook for one mìnute once boìlìng. After it, Meanwhìle, stìr together the corn starch and 2 tablespoons of water ìn a separate dìsh untìl smooth. Once sauce ìs boìlìng, add mìxture to the saucepan and stìr to combìne. Cook untìl the sauce starts to thìcken then remove from heat. Courtesy of: https://www.sovairals.xyz/2019/09/teriyaki-chicken-casserole-recipe.html Rated 4/5 based on 13 Reviews